We offer discounts to residents (maximum 5%) who can clearly explain a professional method below which doubles as an insurance policy and handicap for a cooperating, yet emerging, federal government (alignment) who {always} lives in the future at what we could be capable of and in absolute blindness to who the elected and private sector infrastructure are really moving for despite our alignment. This means it's possible for me to verbally respond to you for a different conversation than what we are talking about.
We are offering 5% off the total invoice for residents that can clearly explain and then relate chemical isolation to isolating variables within an environment on a daily basis to slowly move an individual through a connect-the-dots outcome. A bonus will be awarded for residents that can relate it to the existing national crisis in our young male school shooters, community bombers, religious entity shooters, etc. Please be able to explain how time is used to exhaust an average brain.
We are offering 5% off the total invoice for residents that can explain how adding a second, third, fourth, fifth, and so on conclusion to an existing situation deters from justice (time, energy, attention) and is the end point intention for the creation of the obstruction of justice laws. Don’t be a lawyer about it regarding multiple valid considerations. We’re focusing on the intelligence of a jury and judge.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice if they can explain what it means to see as far as you can think. You must be able to explain the parallel between cognitive beliefs and limits and cross reference with life experiences and success rates for a product of reasonable outcome. Lastly, the resident must be able to clearly explain how artificial success found in memorizing facts or having a salary can function as a misleading basis for self-calibration of decision accuracy.
We are offering 5% off to residents that can clearly explain how having an awareness of what is being communicated to you ahead of time at conversation is a chemical reagent for an observing party. Please give at least a few reasons of why the observing party would be interested to know what the aware party would be willing to say to themselves through the communicator which yes, means there are people who believe they’re telling others what to say (an interpretation of shepherd).
We offer 5% off the total invoice for residents that can explain how the injection of lone pairs (relationships) at replicable life scenarios allows for the same chemical reactions in different places at different times. Please be able to explain how a workplace functions like a movie theater, church, etc where people gather based on transactional beliefs/actions and are only leverageable with verbal agreements at tomorrow.
We are offering residents 5% off that can clearly explain what data pathways are as relates to AB testing within an environment and how it translates to the interpretation of the same sentence from 12 different jurors (concept). Please provide an example of this by communicating how one juror would interpret a sentence differently than another despite the sentence being communicated correctly for landing context.
We are offering 5% off for residents who can clearly explain how repeated insertions of an adult male and or males to another with exact private references to his future in combination with legal deviations would be considered cruel and unusual punishment for information very reasonably found by looking ahead through the respondents future/memories. A bonus would be explaining how such intended obstruction (synonym torment) would be insured/self-justified.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can clearly communicate the psychological variables embedded in daily activities and how each days tasks including work, relationships, housing, income, exercise can be scaled in any direction by holding a human being at a trough position so the energy exerted to run a multi-billion dollar business can instead be applied to earning a peanut butter sandwich on a daily basis.
We are offering 5% off the total invoice for residents that can explain what a loop is with regard to saturating time, exhausting resources, and creating a perceptive starting point for the public's/jury's/judge's paradigm at interpretation of proceeding facts and out of context.
We are offering 5% off the total invoice for residents that can explain how containing my pain from crimes and other damages deliberately imposed to force either self-compromise or prison create horizon opportunity for inserting statements not made and needing clarification, can* attempt to be sold as redemption from yesterday's and tomorrow's retaliatory and cruel punishment. Next, be able to explain how the same information can be partially omitted ahead of time according to IP address.
We are offering 5% off for residents that can explain the Google motto of doing one thing really really well and how it relates to compounding a single repeatedly infringed life.
We are offering 5% off for residents that can explain how the existing silent and perceived chosen adults who live within juxtaposition of awareness, yet flaw, desire to redeem themselves with my balanced diet. Please also be able to explain how personal interest coincides with expertise in legal proceedings and red tape.
We are offering 5% off for residents that can explain how time is leveraged to saturate damages when creating a theme that can blanket an entire life and bring justification for earlier crime at generalizations about unemployment, poverty, etc.
We are offering 5% off for residents that can explain why a narrative exists among many others where my ability to succeed at everything, proven via quick calibrations before physiological restraint/landing within peers is paired with always faster cognitive narrative which suggests negotiability for attributes in tomorrow's kids. Be able to explain how "Made in his image" is an interpretation simultaneous with my forced recognition of peer attributes in future relationships/minimum contacts.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can clearly communicate how repeated obstructions to the same person would become less believable and relate it to controlling the value of testimony.
We are offering residents 5% off who can explain the correct interpretation for not moving as mentioned in Christianity (trespassers) and relate it to layered inhabitation theory where there are multiple inhabiting observers calibrating themselves based on existing definition mentioned in our bio. A verbal bonus is offered for relating this to the existing federal method of containing and or creating a situation with a desired outcome (skewed data/ confirmation bias).
We are offering 5% off for residents that can explain what would reasonably be intended by someone making exact references to another’s future life experiences including referencing objects, words, things that function like a bookmark grounding (electrical term) all the way back to their words and or actions.
We are offering 5% off the total cost for residents that can explain the realistic value of a jury or judge in a court proceeding after understanding the intentions of inhabitation and the repeated imposition of no control.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice if they can clearly relate how an olympic curling stone relates to the central figure within all religions.
We are offering 5% off for residents that can clearly explain why it makes most sense to build on/off/curb existing future-living infrastructure vs. starting over and how doing both at the same time is a logical and business savvy position forcing communication between the two possibilities.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice if they can clearly communicate how isolating and microwaving a single human life including his or her environment variables can provide a reasonably assessable platform and glimpse into the future. Please also be able to relate this isolation technique to a single city, county, and or state that agrees to amplify the situation from a controlled federally sanctioned position.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain how providing help or innovation is actually an entry point to robbing of all capability. Then be able to relate it to selling an intention of teaching or helping for a larger series B from Air Support/unlocked pathway based on what would not be possible without deliberate torture and criminal negligence.
We are offering 5% off the total invoice for residents that can explain how aligning at my image is the method imposed to strike one from every country (synonym for pillar) at once by showing them supernatural (superior) capabilities and tie it to the oldest nation in the world with the smallest reality based military.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can clearly explain how the early (or military strategic) introduction of the reagent power (foresight/Click hindsight) can provide a false confidence to a minimum wage female McDonald’s employee or a grandfathered military admiral who associates the awareness (ability) with position.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain how the local community infrastructure functions as the first line of defense by communicating beyond words and ahead of time to shepherd the pathways of an individual and relate it to the ability to scrape data and work backwards when a federal overhaul redeems itself beyond the transparency and accountability of our public legal system.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can clearly communicate how a story of resilience and hard work can be inappropriately leveraged to convince our up and coming generations that two jobs is normal and more bank loans is actually good debt because it's an investment in an American tomorrow.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can define life and the ability to pursue it paralleling with buying a product and needing to maintain it via subscription services. Then be able to compare the analogy to what would be legally understood as the initial product before needing food, water, shelter, etc.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain why every time you blink one eye and hop on one foot and summon the gods it starts to rain. Please be able to explain how this quiet acknowledgment is a possible justification for Europeans coming through panderias.
We are offering 5% off the total invoice for residents that can explain what the legal substantiality of claim is and relate it to saturating similar pathways from different jurisdictions to neutralize the protagonist and forcing a bigger picture conversation at details chemically isolated. Then, be able to explain how leveraging a single human life to aggregate capabilities can serve self or neighbor tomorrow.
We are offering 5% off the total invoice for residents that can explain how living ahead of time allows for a more steady analysis and execution of juggling paradigms and delays consequences on premises of future repayment.
We are offering residents 5% off the invoice if they can describe what Jodi Foster is saying in The Mauritanian when she says “..change the conversation...”’ and relate it to the current imposition of race/ religion and burden of explanation at credibility. Then be able to relate to career pathways and cognitive holds at academics for more predictable career pathways to build churches (people) for a future beyond their exhaustion thresholds.
We are offering residents 5% off who can explain the logic of men (plural) that look at me and say he looks fine justifying their continued behavior at saturation and user testimony. Then be able to describe how these men are average and how painful it must be to absorb their requests for calibration at abnormal variable intentional infliction of emotional/physical distress at cruel and usual punishment/retaliation for being donkeys - all at believability to a jury.
We will discount the invoice 5% for residents that can explain how working within a margin of how the information will testify to a judge or jury affects the repeated acts of enticement and contribute to a larger picture necessary for a series B funding including redemption which should also be considered insurance for operation.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain advantages to communicating in between regular conversation and draw parallels between creating a false sense of inclusion at higher conversation/creating artificial exclusivity and steering opportunity wealth among people who have already shown to value and protect a form of currency. Then be able to explain whether a workplace of people who all communicate at tomorrow will see value in growing their collaborative environment.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain what a nations border is and if it protects Americans from inhabitation and premeditation. Then be able to relate to our intentions of war or the intentions of our neck (Europe) sending us to the Middle East for free construction labor.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain why time and distance would be so important when working together to make someone else think you can see their entire future. Please explain how inserting words and actions with intent to destabilize is a method for cruel retaliation and punishment like needing a stock to dip 5 points before an investment. Then be able to explain method in focusing on one central paradigm like holding a drill to a temple (American Sniper, 2014).
We will discount the total invoice 5% for residents that can explain how behaving as if something didn’t exist, didn’t happen, could have happened, would happen affects behavior and paradigm today. Then be able to explain the honor game the hood and blue collar world plays at their elementary intelligence where they move like a boss to isolate what they have, what they want, and how to get there without compromising self despite their track record landing them where they are.
We are offering residents 5% off the invoice that can explain why maintaining a theme of infringement/intended torment and cruel/unusual is a premeditated choice by peer including family, friends, and coworkers despite the list of responses a doctor (if told) would categorize the impositions as.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain how compounding and enticing a situation under the guise of serving their good lord is in contradiction to the expectations they have for treatment toward them and relate it to their societal position today and desires for tomorrow at their business acumen.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain how the calculated behavior of peers regardless of who is like playing chess where your opponent or peer won’t make a move you need to play your hand so you leverage abnormal and officially governing positions to force the hand of a single person similar in concept to eminent domain with absolute disregard to the well being of the person absorbing the premeditated, cruel and unusual impositions.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can clearly explain how behaving with criminal intent can be blanketed with the justification of being average person(s) faced with difficult decisions exactly in weight to existing legal scenarios and/or as an attack on substantiality to suggest a federal decision requiring their testimony (relevance).
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can clearly describe how repeatedly combusting a work environment/industry (synonym) would create a long term theme by sharing a common conclusion through a testimony platform like local PD, the fbi, the media, etc. Next, be able to share intent behind later life allegations of criminality or health to control risk at value of testimony and relate it to the desire to be taken more seriously on the business stage.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can clearly explain how acting with intent to entice testimony, but not for certainty, and for a future conversation hedged on a human being’s pain threshold is a tactical and premeditated move beyond the sophistication of our FBI at least for today.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain how I am y’all and your awareness of me is how some protected immigrants provide the reality based justification for federal distance at behavior. Then be able to draw the parallel between you to me and Asian (continent) immigrants to you. Then be able to explain how this sacrificial concept of me absorbing yalls decisions is ultimately to justify some past and future outcomes despite their preprogramming.
We are offering 5% off to residents who can explain the reasonable expectations of overlapping parents, friends, and professional coworkers who knowing volunteer themselves to function as crumple zones which balance a false utilitarian belief of net-positive for society and at their business acumen.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain the math behind living in silence at perceived capabilities and the rapid injection of capabilities repeatedly imposed on one person to find a middle ground of conversation today and tomorrow at the cruel and unusual expense of his life.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain the method of being an existing part of governing infrastructure and leveraging human life on the premise he can only ask us for help and thus controlling the chemical product and to study environmental response.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain the professional method of shifting the burden from the premeditated friends, family, coworkers onto a single person to constantly testify to damages/capabilities and/or absorb the impositions as a form of domestic radicalization for a larger picture to sell an overall political and/or religious message. Would I be more credible or less credible after explosion and would previous crimes find sudden redemption?
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain how repeated cuts to the same place in the form of crimes eventually illicit response and how the responses sell as dictation for tomorrow's initiatives.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can imagine what you would want if you could temporarily enjoy life through someone else and if and when you‘d desire more than the life. You must be able to explain how money and pleasures become boring and detail how pain becomes to be more attractive also when combined with a larger picture. Then be able to explain how you could create sellable positions after breaking SP bonds between people and entities.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can relate building a car to stimulate an economy with repairs and maintenance to building men and women just strong enough to break tomorrow. This means empowering him and her with foresight to make the right decisions for you long enough to make a profit. Please be able to relate actions derivative to time and actions derivative to psychology for perceived rest.
We are offering 5% off the total invoice to residents that can explain how deliberately communicating an awareness is intended to terrorize by suggesting control over another. Please be able to explain how this intent and conclusion from average people is a form of enticement and/or radicalization chemically isolating testimony and ultimately raising a hand for attention at the expense of human life.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain how normal people who live in short sightedness and/or justified with their self confidence see no end to premeditation thus, constantly realign themselves with my existence.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice who can clearly explain how leveraging the short sighted helps keep positions and vantage points for continued control over where our American kids get sent for work, war, and relationships. Please be able to draw parallel between yourself and the role of a police officer who moves according to his or her energy and follows orders via a layered insurance system of underwriters called bosses.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain why torture would be necessary to bridge the short-sighted capability gap of friends, family, and coworkers. Please be able to explain strategic speed of cognitive response at the reality which is being able to see and live in the future. Lastly, be able to explain how narratives can be built from your perception to demonstrate control around you if you were to correct an observation.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice if they can explain the business position of our existing FBI to repeatedly abstain from their job and protocol* while yesterdays conclusions are replicated today to attack my testimony‘s value for their redemption. Be able to explain how creating damages so repeated and negligent is method for a conclusion of paralysis. Then be able to quantify me as a human being or not human being.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain how the Joseph Smiths I've met, meet, and will meet hedge their position on premises of teamwork and interpretation of scripture to leverage my life's responses to crimes and damages on the belief of being the only maintained conclusion and thus, the hostage situation as a type of final solution.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain what religion is referring to when suggesting something is backward? Please be able to explain how multiple narratives through average people who serve their inner strength and self beliefs obstruct justice and buy enough time for the Persians to build themselves from Israel (what?). Please also be able to explain why some people have sat back and pocketed from this eventuality which requires Americans to Kroy Biermann.
We are offering residents 5% off their total invoice that can be real with themselves and look at results. Please be able to look at the specific example of COVID-19 and our response as a nation and or as a western civilization. Are we playing a bigger picture? Now relate our ability to get results to how I have been treated and focus on facts. What’s the plan?
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain how scaling a life based on anticipated duress to search for air can be leveraged at different workplaces and with minimum contact relationships along the way. Please be able to explain how delaying life by repeatedly infringing on memory and blood pressure helps build your redemption to justify actions and/or transgressions.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain how average men at our FBI can withstand not intervening for the last 8-10 years. Then be able to explain how any possible underwriting of action by the state is a neutralizer to feed a larger explanation of ongoing despite my zero issue history and multiple pathway accomplishments in conjunction with references. A bonus is for drafting the minimum contacts for a data scrape tomorrow and/or for redemption from premeditation.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain how todays outcomes and decisions can logically be applied if considering our unconscious and the ability to live in and see the future. Then be able to explain how tomorrows decisions and outcomes can derive from today thus, making todays decisions about tomorrow and beyond the sight of average people. Lastly, be able to tie it all together to explain reachable thresholds for tomorrow based on todays obstruction.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice that can explain why the pillars in our community cannot be all knowing or seeing and have to learn somehow. Please be able to then tie this reality with their desire to maintain what they’ve earned by collaborating on controlled and premeditated implosions at the expense of other human beings. Then be able to communicate an underlying theme of some things will never change so it’s best to get and maintain a better life seat.
We are offering residents 5% off the total invoice if they can clearly communicate how 10 years of obstruction and punishment at my conscious will eventually entice responses which can then be leveraged as the justification for earlier imposition and future neutralization. Please be able to provide an example other than this website.